It's About Food but So Much More!

Sharing good food together is the easiest opportunity you have everyday to connect with your children.


Welcome to Return to the Table!  A place to connect, reconnect, and even heal simply by sharing good food together. 

The easiest opportunity that you have every day to nourish your relationships is by embracing the love of good food and the art of eating.  

If you are interested in a new way to do dinner. And eat healthier, create a better family dinner routine and you’re craving an effective way to connect more meaningfully with your children- this is for you. 

The easiest way to nourish your children’s minds, bodies, and spirits is simply by sharing good food together every day. 


Sadly, our society has lost the family dinner tradition to hectic schedules, convenience foods, and personal devices. (Or should I say personal vices?) 


It’s practically a lost art. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. 


By returning to the table, you’ll deepen the bonds children need every day to be heard, feel safe, and grow into confident adults. 

You will learn easy French and Italian recipes that are healthy without sacrificing taste.  Start today and

  • Begin building a new family legacy more valuable than a trust fund simply by gathering with your loved ones for an enticing dinner. 

  • Create an experience so satisfying, they’ll be on time for dinner and happily power down their devices. 

  • Slow down and savor healthy, delicious food, their childhood moments, and your dreams for their future.

  • For younger children, dinner conversation boosts vocabulary more than reading.

  • Family dinners lead to higher grade-point averages, increased self-esteem, and healthy body weights. 

  • Teens who dine at home are twice as likely to have better emotional health and resist negative peer behavior.

  • For adults, enjoying a delicious homecooked family dinner together will help reduce stress, improve your health and put more fun and passion in your life. 

All it takes is a commitment to seeing the bonds of your family strengthen…through the simple but powerful act of gathering at the table to share dinner.  And I am here to help you get the delicious food on the table and inspire you to  Return to the Table 


Dinner can become a beautifully meaningful experience that can truly transform your family forever.


So, start now!


Click here to get your Free 5 Steps Guide and get started today. 


Return to the Table is about so much more than the food. It’s about building on the foundation of family love and values day after day.

When we meet in our virtual kitchen, you will discover everything about Return to the Table.  

Families are unique.  And I’ll be honest, you’ll have unique obstacles. Someone’s schedule will conflict, meetings will run late, and there will be days the unexpected disrupts your plans for dinner.

As a busy mom of three with two businesses, I understand busy! I never wanted to compromise family dinner and over many years I created a system to make it happen with ease! I have been using this system for over 10 years and want to share the secret. 

Imagine how it would feel to..

What People are Saying...

Caterina's Advice is Game-Changing

"You are, in 5 steps, hitting all the major points"

Gina Bria

"Caterina, as an anthropologist or ritual and family, I am deeply impressed with what you are advocating. You are, in 5 steps, hitting all the major points of what works in generational connection across all cultures. Families don't just happen, they are grown and this is the sweet and lasting way to do that. Bravo and I'm IN!"

Is our class almost over!? I am not ready for it to be done!


I am eating slower and enjoying my food more which I can’t tell you how much I love and will stick with me through life. I used to eat these terrible bland salads at lunch because I thought they were “healthy” now I fill my salad with all sorts of yummy things and a nice homemade dressing and it keeps me full until dinner. We have made a lot of progress over here under your care. We are now all eating from the same “pot” which I was surprised how much my kids loved. They were so excited when I put the food in the middle of the table. They asked for it the next day, “Can we do that special fancy dinner thing where we have a feast” It really is such a better ritual. Passing the food around and all sharing from the same platter, game changer. I did my 5 family dinners and was able to expand to about 20 with your suggestions. I need to get it all loaded into the app. Making progress 😊

"Nothing is a coincidence"


Everything happens for a reason.. Nothing is a coincidence. I started my “Return to the Table” journey in February. Thanks to Caterina‘s encouragement and support I started cooking more back in February, then we got a new dining table which has been on my mind for last 3-4 years. As I started feeling better about my progress, then the covid-19 happened! Now everyday we cook and eat together. Thank you Caterina for being such a catalyst to this transformation. I cannot thank enough. 💜🙏🏻

I am so thankful for the Return to the Table community!


Best pasta ever! And great family time... we are getting the hang of family bonding. I am so thankful for the Return to the Table community!

"Every food she cooks comes with love and a bit of story"


Since I met Caterina 10 years ago, she has inspired me with her passion for cooking and bringing the family together around the table. From the smell of her homemade tomato sauce that takes me back to my childhood at grandmother's kitchen to her delicious cookies, every food she cooks comes with love and a bit of story. I am so excited that is is now going to be sharing her amazing ideas food and family through her book!